Sunday 27 July 2014

Happy Birthday DN

Book Week 2014

This coming week is Book Week and we have Geronimo Stilton at school encouraging us to participate in all the activities. There is a colouring competition which needs to be in to the library before Wednesday so that the winners can be chosen. We have a visit from Mark Laurent who is the author of Rufus and the Rain on Tuesday. The children are allowed to bring a soft toy for that. On Friday we have our dress up assembly where there will be a prize for the best dressed in each class. The scholastic book fair is also running in the library and parents are able to purchase books before and after school on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Friday 4 July 2014

Term Certificate and values

Well done HL for consistently working towards his Reading goals and for an improved attitude to learning. Also to SK for always modelling the value of Honesty.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Warm Fuzzies

Every afternoon during our Reflection time we give our Star Helpers warm fuzzies to thank them for the jobs they have done throughout the day. The children love this time and it also ensures we end the day on a positive note. We consider our school values and also ways the children may have shown Leadership qualitites during their day.


After many attempts at posting videos of our Music lesson I have given up...but I have just taken some photos so I hope you will enjoy these. We have a Music lesson with Mrs Jo every Wednesday for half an hour and the children really enjoy it. They are learning how to identify a low and high note and how to repeat the beat.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Techno Rangers to the Rescue!

Room 7 had the Techno Rangers in today to show the children how to use Kidpix. The children loved the opportunity to work in small groups with an expert older child.